maine consolidated school

Mustang Hall of Fame

In Celebration of Our Students of the Month

September 2023 Students of the Month Wade & Isabelle

September 2023

Wade & Isabelle

Wade is very respectful, quietly listens to instructions, and finishes his work in a timely manner. Wade is a good friend to his classmates, in and out of the classroom. He picks up the classroom after lessons and also volunteers to help clean tables and stack chairs at the end of the day.  – Nominated by Mrs. Booth

Isabelle works very hard in class and takes her job as a student seriously.  She is truly a pleasure to work with.  – Nominated by  Mrs. Christian

Emmely & Trent - October Students of the Month

October 2023

Emmely & Trent

Lisa Cruz nominated Emmely. She has shown great improvement this year in preschool and we are very lucky to have such a kind friend in our class. She gets along so well with her peers, and shows true sincerity with her classmates and teachers.

Trent (6th grade) is always the first one to step up to help. He is always a responsible and respectful young man. Trent was nominated by Tiffany Hermann and Rebecca Cauthen

Rosie Goldberg - Jesse Slim

November 2023

Rosey & Jesse

Rosie in Kindergarten was nominated by Mrs. Booth. She has worked so hard the past three months to overcome intense shyness. Rosie now raises her hand to volunteer answers during lessons!  She diligently works on her handwriting and her classwork. And she is the sweetest friend to her classmates, often the first to offer comfort if she notices someone is having a rough day. We are so lucky to have this sweet girl in our class.

Mrs.Tamburello nominated Jesse in 5th grade. He is consistently pleasant, focused on classwork, and is courteous to classmates and his teacher.

Pearce - Gavin Dec23 SOTM

December 2023

Pearce & Gavin

Pearce is in 6th grade and doing a great job in engaging in classroom activities. She strives to do her best and consistently comes to class prepared to work. -Mrs. Christian

Gavin is in 4th grade and is a super polite and kind young man. He always completes his work and is very conscientious about the neatness and quality of his work. -Mr. Zink

January 2024 Students of the month

January 2024

Paxton & Keenan

I nominate Paxton Tanner, in 3rd grade. He is always listening well, takes great responsibility for his actions, and is always making sure he is doing the right thing. He is a joy to have in class. – Dylan Hearn 

I would like to nominate Keenan Pinson for student of the month. Keenan takes pride in his academics and himself. He is quick to apologize when he has made a mistake. Keenan also gladly puts others needs and feelings before his own!  – Melissa Graves

February 2024 Student of the Month

February 2024

Paityn &  Brooke

Paityn Peery (3rd grade)  is one of the hardest-working students I know. Her growth this year has been exponential and that’s due to her relentless attitude towards getting her work done and done right even though she may be up till bedtime doing so. Beyond schoolwork, she is a giant sweetheart and injects positivity into the people she encounters. Never the center of any drama or goofing off, Paityn is an exemplary student in the class. Most of all, it’s her can-do attitude and optimism that makes her the great student she is. – Mr. B

Brooke Overfield  (7th grade.).  She has had a more positive attitude in class.  She tries to keep others on task.  She seems to care more about school and her grades.  T Zabala 

March 2024 SOTM

March 2024

Knox & Beau

Dr. Roberson nominated Knox Nixon in third grade. Knox is a great example to other students, helpful and friendly. I enjoy working with him.

Beau Beasley, in 8th grade, was nominated for student of the month by Mr. Hearn. He is always very polite and well-mannered and consistently seems to have the best intentions with his actions; I can’t recall a situation in which he has not chosen to do the right thing.

Dean - April 2024 SOTM

April 2024


Dean is polite, stays focused during lessons, and puts great effort into all his schoolwork. Dean also plays with everyone on the playground and then gathers all the sports balls and returns them to the office for the next recess. Mrs.. Booth

Delilah - April 2024 SOTM

April 2024


Delilah Miller, in 5th grade, was nominated for student of the month by Mr. Hearn. The maturity growth she has shown over the course of the year has been incredible to see. She works hard, is kind and respectful to both her peers and adults, and stays actively involved in extracurriculars with the school. She’s a great Mustang to have at Maine!

Serenity & Hendrix - May 2024 Students of the Month

May 2024


Serenity Cordova (2nd grade)  was nominated by Mrs. Crouse.  Serenity is very kind, and works very hard in school.  She struggled a bit getting into the hang of things at Maine School, but has really stepped it up. I think this recognition is well deserved.



Hendrix Utley is and 8th grader and was nominated by 3 different staff members.
  • I’d like to nominate Hendrix for student of the month. He takes the time to interact with younger students leaving a lasting impression as a mentor. Hendrix has grown and developed into a talented and well-rounded leader.  Dr. J
  • I would like to nominate Hendrix Utley.  I have seen him mature over the last few months.  He has shown a positive attitude with me.  He takes the time to talk to my younger students and give them positive feedback when the student may be having a rough time.  He always responds to my younger students when they talk to him or just say hi.  T. Zabala
  • Hendrix has matured into a pleasant young man, and has begun taking his academics more seriously.  He is able to maintain his great sense of humor while learning the boundaries of a classroom, and being a positive role model.  – R. Cauthen